Namsoo & Eunji

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 Namsoo & Eunji

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Sin Eunji
Sin Eunji
hwaryeo ≈ just trust myself
UNE P'TITE PHOTO ? : Namsoo & Eunji C48d7189e36ea0239e57a6f3bc431440294fafc4
AVATAR : Chae Hyungwon (Monsta X)
POINTS : 1101
NOUS A REJOINT LE : 22/02/2023
AGE : 28
Namsoo & Eunji Empty
(#) Sujet: Namsoo & Eunji   Namsoo & Eunji EmptyMer 14 Fév - 20:24

Sin Eunji ☽ Do you really wonder 'bout me, or just having fun ? Gettin' tipsy, but you love me, sure. You tryna shake me, doesn't matter. You're the one who got my eyes all the time. Let's drink that Henry all night long.I don't mind if I'm drunk, 'cause you got me for free. Can't stop it. Just let me burn deeply

Sin Eunji
Sin Eunji
hwaryeo ≈ just trust myself
UNE P'TITE PHOTO ? : Namsoo & Eunji C48d7189e36ea0239e57a6f3bc431440294fafc4
AVATAR : Chae Hyungwon (Monsta X)
POINTS : 1101
NOUS A REJOINT LE : 22/02/2023
AGE : 28
Namsoo & Eunji Empty
(#) Sujet: Re: Namsoo & Eunji   Namsoo & Eunji EmptyMer 14 Fév - 20:25
Hola BG qui hante mes pensées depuis qu’il m’a foncé dessus Namsoo & Eunji 2084616938

Sin Eunji ☽ Do you really wonder 'bout me, or just having fun ? Gettin' tipsy, but you love me, sure. You tryna shake me, doesn't matter. You're the one who got my eyes all the time. Let's drink that Henry all night long.I don't mind if I'm drunk, 'cause you got me for free. Can't stop it. Just let me burn deeply

Tak Namsoo
Tak Namsoo
MODO ✺ queen of drama
UNE P'TITE PHOTO ? : Namsoo & Eunji 1c48516aa306188f8a394d27a59a8b90576aee6b
AVATAR : kim Mingyu ((seventeen))
POINTS : 867
NOUS A REJOINT LE : 18/07/2020
AGE : 27
Namsoo & Eunji Empty
(#) Sujet: Re: Namsoo & Eunji   Namsoo & Eunji EmptyMer 14 Fév - 20:30
qui est-ce?

inhale sky; exhale stars
you're always one decision away from a totally different life • unknown.

Sin Eunji
Sin Eunji
hwaryeo ≈ just trust myself
UNE P'TITE PHOTO ? : Namsoo & Eunji C48d7189e36ea0239e57a6f3bc431440294fafc4
AVATAR : Chae Hyungwon (Monsta X)
POINTS : 1101
NOUS A REJOINT LE : 22/02/2023
AGE : 28
Namsoo & Eunji Empty
(#) Sujet: Re: Namsoo & Eunji   Namsoo & Eunji EmptyMer 14 Fév - 20:32
Grand. Brun. Hyper canon que tu as remballé il y a quelques temps. Un crime, si tu veux mon avis Namsoo & Eunji 2084616938

Sin Eunji ☽ Do you really wonder 'bout me, or just having fun ? Gettin' tipsy, but you love me, sure. You tryna shake me, doesn't matter. You're the one who got my eyes all the time. Let's drink that Henry all night long.I don't mind if I'm drunk, 'cause you got me for free. Can't stop it. Just let me burn deeply

Tak Namsoo
Tak Namsoo
MODO ✺ queen of drama
UNE P'TITE PHOTO ? : Namsoo & Eunji 1c48516aa306188f8a394d27a59a8b90576aee6b
AVATAR : kim Mingyu ((seventeen))
POINTS : 867
NOUS A REJOINT LE : 18/07/2020
AGE : 27
Namsoo & Eunji Empty
(#) Sujet: Re: Namsoo & Eunji   Namsoo & Eunji EmptyMer 14 Fév - 20:34
ah, le type chelou de l'université?

inhale sky; exhale stars
you're always one decision away from a totally different life • unknown.

Sin Eunji
Sin Eunji
hwaryeo ≈ just trust myself
UNE P'TITE PHOTO ? : Namsoo & Eunji C48d7189e36ea0239e57a6f3bc431440294fafc4
AVATAR : Chae Hyungwon (Monsta X)
POINTS : 1101
NOUS A REJOINT LE : 22/02/2023
AGE : 28
Namsoo & Eunji Empty
(#) Sujet: Re: Namsoo & Eunji   Namsoo & Eunji EmptyMer 14 Fév - 20:37
What ? Chelou ? Je pense que tu m’as mal regardé.

Sin Eunji ☽ Do you really wonder 'bout me, or just having fun ? Gettin' tipsy, but you love me, sure. You tryna shake me, doesn't matter. You're the one who got my eyes all the time. Let's drink that Henry all night long.I don't mind if I'm drunk, 'cause you got me for free. Can't stop it. Just let me burn deeply

Tak Namsoo
Tak Namsoo
MODO ✺ queen of drama
UNE P'TITE PHOTO ? : Namsoo & Eunji 1c48516aa306188f8a394d27a59a8b90576aee6b
AVATAR : kim Mingyu ((seventeen))
POINTS : 867
NOUS A REJOINT LE : 18/07/2020
AGE : 27
Namsoo & Eunji Empty
(#) Sujet: Re: Namsoo & Eunji   Namsoo & Eunji EmptyMer 14 Fév - 20:38
beauf, alors.

inhale sky; exhale stars
you're always one decision away from a totally different life • unknown.

Sin Eunji
Sin Eunji
hwaryeo ≈ just trust myself
UNE P'TITE PHOTO ? : Namsoo & Eunji C48d7189e36ea0239e57a6f3bc431440294fafc4
AVATAR : Chae Hyungwon (Monsta X)
POINTS : 1101
NOUS A REJOINT LE : 22/02/2023
AGE : 28
Namsoo & Eunji Empty
(#) Sujet: Re: Namsoo & Eunji   Namsoo & Eunji EmptyMer 14 Fév - 20:38
Comment peux tu briser mon cœur comme ça, again ? :cry:

Sin Eunji ☽ Do you really wonder 'bout me, or just having fun ? Gettin' tipsy, but you love me, sure. You tryna shake me, doesn't matter. You're the one who got my eyes all the time. Let's drink that Henry all night long.I don't mind if I'm drunk, 'cause you got me for free. Can't stop it. Just let me burn deeply

Sin Eunji
Sin Eunji
hwaryeo ≈ just trust myself
UNE P'TITE PHOTO ? : Namsoo & Eunji C48d7189e36ea0239e57a6f3bc431440294fafc4
AVATAR : Chae Hyungwon (Monsta X)
POINTS : 1101
NOUS A REJOINT LE : 22/02/2023
AGE : 28
Namsoo & Eunji Empty
(#) Sujet: Re: Namsoo & Eunji   Namsoo & Eunji EmptyMer 14 Fév - 20:38
J’hallucine. T’es vraiment rabat-joie comme mec.

Sin Eunji ☽ Do you really wonder 'bout me, or just having fun ? Gettin' tipsy, but you love me, sure. You tryna shake me, doesn't matter. You're the one who got my eyes all the time. Let's drink that Henry all night long.I don't mind if I'm drunk, 'cause you got me for free. Can't stop it. Just let me burn deeply

Tak Namsoo
Tak Namsoo
MODO ✺ queen of drama
UNE P'TITE PHOTO ? : Namsoo & Eunji 1c48516aa306188f8a394d27a59a8b90576aee6b
AVATAR : kim Mingyu ((seventeen))
POINTS : 867
NOUS A REJOINT LE : 18/07/2020
AGE : 27
Namsoo & Eunji Empty
(#) Sujet: Re: Namsoo & Eunji   Namsoo & Eunji EmptyMer 14 Fév - 20:39
? j'ai jamais dit que t'étais pas canon

inhale sky; exhale stars
you're always one decision away from a totally different life • unknown.

Tak Namsoo
Tak Namsoo
MODO ✺ queen of drama
UNE P'TITE PHOTO ? : Namsoo & Eunji 1c48516aa306188f8a394d27a59a8b90576aee6b
AVATAR : kim Mingyu ((seventeen))
POINTS : 867
NOUS A REJOINT LE : 18/07/2020
AGE : 27
Namsoo & Eunji Empty
(#) Sujet: Re: Namsoo & Eunji   Namsoo & Eunji EmptyMer 14 Fév - 20:40
t'es rentre-dedans

inhale sky; exhale stars
you're always one decision away from a totally different life • unknown.

Tak Namsoo
Tak Namsoo
MODO ✺ queen of drama
UNE P'TITE PHOTO ? : Namsoo & Eunji 1c48516aa306188f8a394d27a59a8b90576aee6b
AVATAR : kim Mingyu ((seventeen))
POINTS : 867
NOUS A REJOINT LE : 18/07/2020
AGE : 27
Namsoo & Eunji Empty
(#) Sujet: Re: Namsoo & Eunji   Namsoo & Eunji EmptyMer 14 Fév - 20:40
tu mets vrm des gens dans ton lit avec des pick-up line pareilles?

inhale sky; exhale stars
you're always one decision away from a totally different life • unknown.

Sin Eunji
Sin Eunji
hwaryeo ≈ just trust myself
UNE P'TITE PHOTO ? : Namsoo & Eunji C48d7189e36ea0239e57a6f3bc431440294fafc4
AVATAR : Chae Hyungwon (Monsta X)
POINTS : 1101
NOUS A REJOINT LE : 22/02/2023
AGE : 28
Namsoo & Eunji Empty
(#) Sujet: Re: Namsoo & Eunji   Namsoo & Eunji EmptyMer 14 Fév - 21:03
Mais tu ne l’as pas dit non plus Namsoo & Eunji 769454579

Sin Eunji ☽ Do you really wonder 'bout me, or just having fun ? Gettin' tipsy, but you love me, sure. You tryna shake me, doesn't matter. You're the one who got my eyes all the time. Let's drink that Henry all night long.I don't mind if I'm drunk, 'cause you got me for free. Can't stop it. Just let me burn deeply

Sin Eunji
Sin Eunji
hwaryeo ≈ just trust myself
UNE P'TITE PHOTO ? : Namsoo & Eunji C48d7189e36ea0239e57a6f3bc431440294fafc4
AVATAR : Chae Hyungwon (Monsta X)
POINTS : 1101
NOUS A REJOINT LE : 22/02/2023
AGE : 28
Namsoo & Eunji Empty
(#) Sujet: Re: Namsoo & Eunji   Namsoo & Eunji EmptyMer 14 Fév - 21:04
En même temps ? Tu sais ce qu’on dit ? Rien ne sert de slalomer entre les poteaux quand on peut y aller direct.

Sin Eunji ☽ Do you really wonder 'bout me, or just having fun ? Gettin' tipsy, but you love me, sure. You tryna shake me, doesn't matter. You're the one who got my eyes all the time. Let's drink that Henry all night long.I don't mind if I'm drunk, 'cause you got me for free. Can't stop it. Just let me burn deeply

Sin Eunji
Sin Eunji
hwaryeo ≈ just trust myself
UNE P'TITE PHOTO ? : Namsoo & Eunji C48d7189e36ea0239e57a6f3bc431440294fafc4
AVATAR : Chae Hyungwon (Monsta X)
POINTS : 1101
NOUS A REJOINT LE : 22/02/2023
AGE : 28
Namsoo & Eunji Empty
(#) Sujet: Re: Namsoo & Eunji   Namsoo & Eunji EmptyMer 14 Fév - 21:04
Mais oué. Tu n’as pas idée du nombre de personnes qui fall juste pour mes pick-up lines Namsoo & Eunji 937159783

Sin Eunji ☽ Do you really wonder 'bout me, or just having fun ? Gettin' tipsy, but you love me, sure. You tryna shake me, doesn't matter. You're the one who got my eyes all the time. Let's drink that Henry all night long.I don't mind if I'm drunk, 'cause you got me for free. Can't stop it. Just let me burn deeply

Tak Namsoo
Tak Namsoo
MODO ✺ queen of drama
UNE P'TITE PHOTO ? : Namsoo & Eunji 1c48516aa306188f8a394d27a59a8b90576aee6b
AVATAR : kim Mingyu ((seventeen))
POINTS : 867
NOUS A REJOINT LE : 18/07/2020
AGE : 27
Namsoo & Eunji Empty
(#) Sujet: Re: Namsoo & Eunji   Namsoo & Eunji EmptyMer 14 Fév - 21:43
car tu es canon, mais dès que tu ouvres la bouche, c'est un peu décevant.

inhale sky; exhale stars
you're always one decision away from a totally different life • unknown.

Tak Namsoo
Tak Namsoo
MODO ✺ queen of drama
UNE P'TITE PHOTO ? : Namsoo & Eunji 1c48516aa306188f8a394d27a59a8b90576aee6b
AVATAR : kim Mingyu ((seventeen))
POINTS : 867
NOUS A REJOINT LE : 18/07/2020
AGE : 27
Namsoo & Eunji Empty
(#) Sujet: Re: Namsoo & Eunji   Namsoo & Eunji EmptyMer 14 Fév - 21:44
je ne connais pas cette expression

inhale sky; exhale stars
you're always one decision away from a totally different life • unknown.

Tak Namsoo
Tak Namsoo
MODO ✺ queen of drama
UNE P'TITE PHOTO ? : Namsoo & Eunji 1c48516aa306188f8a394d27a59a8b90576aee6b
AVATAR : kim Mingyu ((seventeen))
POINTS : 867
NOUS A REJOINT LE : 18/07/2020
AGE : 27
Namsoo & Eunji Empty
(#) Sujet: Re: Namsoo & Eunji   Namsoo & Eunji EmptyMer 14 Fév - 21:44
wow. je suis surpris. ces personnes doivent être particulièrement en manque.

inhale sky; exhale stars
you're always one decision away from a totally different life • unknown.

Sin Eunji
Sin Eunji
hwaryeo ≈ just trust myself
UNE P'TITE PHOTO ? : Namsoo & Eunji C48d7189e36ea0239e57a6f3bc431440294fafc4
AVATAR : Chae Hyungwon (Monsta X)
POINTS : 1101
NOUS A REJOINT LE : 22/02/2023
AGE : 28
Namsoo & Eunji Empty
(#) Sujet: Re: Namsoo & Eunji   Namsoo & Eunji EmptyMer 14 Fév - 21:46
Merci pour le compliment. Je n’en attendais pas autant de ta part Namsoo & Eunji 1463821116

Sin Eunji ☽ Do you really wonder 'bout me, or just having fun ? Gettin' tipsy, but you love me, sure. You tryna shake me, doesn't matter. You're the one who got my eyes all the time. Let's drink that Henry all night long.I don't mind if I'm drunk, 'cause you got me for free. Can't stop it. Just let me burn deeply

Sin Eunji
Sin Eunji
hwaryeo ≈ just trust myself
UNE P'TITE PHOTO ? : Namsoo & Eunji C48d7189e36ea0239e57a6f3bc431440294fafc4
AVATAR : Chae Hyungwon (Monsta X)
POINTS : 1101
NOUS A REJOINT LE : 22/02/2023
AGE : 28
Namsoo & Eunji Empty
(#) Sujet: Re: Namsoo & Eunji   Namsoo & Eunji EmptyMer 14 Fév - 21:47
Comme quoi ? T’as beau être intello, et être ignare sur certaines choses :rose: Comme sur le comment parler aux gens, for example.

Sin Eunji ☽ Do you really wonder 'bout me, or just having fun ? Gettin' tipsy, but you love me, sure. You tryna shake me, doesn't matter. You're the one who got my eyes all the time. Let's drink that Henry all night long.I don't mind if I'm drunk, 'cause you got me for free. Can't stop it. Just let me burn deeply

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Namsoo & Eunji Empty
(#) Sujet: Re: Namsoo & Eunji   Namsoo & Eunji Empty
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