⊱ hundred miles c'est un forum réel asiatiquecity/universitaire basé à Séoul — une réponse par mois minimum — Avatars occidentaux bienvenus ! — Taille des avatars 200*320px — Une semaine pour finir sa présentation — Pas de prise de tête, rien que du love. That's all folks ٩(^ᴗ^)۶
Je ne m’épuise pas ? C’est juste que ? Je rentabilise chaque minute de mon temps, pour vivre ma vie à fond ? Et ne rien regretter ??? Mais ? Wow. Donc c’est vraiment en train d’arriver ? Tu veux qu’on soit amis ???????
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
Yoon Sohee
heulim ≈ we have art in order not to die from the truth
Non ? J’ai commencé il n’y a pas longtemps, et je fais ça juste ? Pour le plaisir ? Enfin ? Surtout parce que j’aime tester pleins de trucs différents ? Je suis aussi serveur, dans un bar. Je te l’ai dis ? Je ne tiens pas en place
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
C'est pas non plus une nécessité, tu sais. Mais j'imagine que je comprends ce que tu veux dire. Et puis quoi? Pourquoi ça a l'air de tant te surprendre??
inhale sky; exhale stars
you're always one decision away from a totally different life • unknown.
Tu as l'air bien occupé! Et j'aimerais vraiment travailler pour le pur plaisir, moi aussi. Même si j'aime mon petit boulot, hein! Mais je ne le ferais sans doute pas si ça ne me rapportait rien :/
inhale sky; exhale stars
you're always one decision away from a totally different life • unknown.
Yoon Sohee
heulim ≈ we have art in order not to die from the truth
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
Yoon Sohee
heulim ≈ we have art in order not to die from the truth
Je ne dirais pas que c’est pour le plaisir ? Disons que ? C’est pour l’expérience ? Ce que je gagne, je l’offre aux refuges pour animaux, ou les orphelinats ? Je suis curieux ? Tu fais quoi comme petit boulot ?
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
En fait ? Vu notre rencontre ? J’avais l’impression que tu ne voudrais jamais devenir amis, avec quelqu’un comme moi ^^’
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
Yoon Sohee
heulim ≈ we have art in order not to die from the truth
Ce sont des causes qui me tiennent à cœur ? Et puisqu’ils ont plus besoin que moi de cet argent ? Je le donne ?
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
Yoon Sohee
heulim ≈ we have art in order not to die from the truth
SÉRIEUX ????? Oh !!! Je viendrais te voir quand je me serais décidé quoi faire comme nouveau tatoo !!
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
Je suis content que ça n’en soit pas resté là, alors
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
Yoon Sohee
heulim ≈ we have art in order not to die from the truth
Possible … Je te l’ai dit, que tu t’étais peut être trompé sur moi …
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
Yoon Sohee
heulim ≈ we have art in order not to die from the truth
C’est parce que j’aime beaucoup les tatoo ! C’est pour ça Mais ? Wow ! Je pourrais changer d’adresse et venir te voir quand j’aurais une envie de nouveauté !
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
Yoon Sohee
heulim ≈ we have art in order not to die from the truth
Oui ! J’en ai un, sous la clavicule ! Rien de bien extravagant, à vrai dire
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ