⊱ hundred miles c'est un forum réel asiatiquecity/universitaire basé à Séoul — une réponse par mois minimum — Avatars occidentaux bienvenus ! — Taille des avatars 200*320px — Une semaine pour finir sa présentation — Pas de prise de tête, rien que du love. That's all folks ٩(^ᴗ^)۶
Le monde serait sûrement plus sûr pour tout le monde, si c'était le cas ?
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
Yoon Sohee
heulim ≈ we have art in order not to die from the truth
Enfin, je suis peut être vieux jeux, mais ? C'est important le respect des autres à mes yeux ? Donc oui ? Si tu ne me montres pas de toi-même, je ne regarderais pas tes tatouages ?
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
Yoon Sohee
heulim ≈ we have art in order not to die from the truth
Et ce, même si ça ne te dérange pas que les gens les regardent ?
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
OUI. Ce sont mes animaux préf ! Enfin ? Je suis surtout amoureux des chatons, mais puisqu'ils grandissent un jour .... On peut dire que j'aime tous les chats en général !
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
Yoon Sohee
heulim ≈ we have art in order not to die from the truth
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
Yoon Sohee
heulim ≈ we have art in order not to die from the truth
D'ailleurs, j'en ai adopté un, il n'y a pas longtemps ? C'est une princesse toute noire !
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ