watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔

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 watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔

Watanabe Nao
Watanabe Nao
MODO ✺ queen of drama
UNE P'TITE PHOTO ? : watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔ 944f6e4ce7aea9e7caa5f0f93463e09c1e7643f3
AVATAR : nishimura riki (niki - enhypen)
POINTS : 562
NOUS A REJOINT LE : 16/08/2023
AGE : 20
watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔ Empty
(#) Sujet: watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔   watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔ EmptyMer 1 Jan - 0:08
The Cr♔wned maknae
dance machine
*Currently on hiatus*

Followed by Lil'bby, doc'bunny, ki.road + 4M more

89 5
89 5
89 5
89 5
89 5
89 5
89 5
89 5
89 5
89 5
89 5
89 5
89 5


inhale sky; exhale stars
you're always one decision away from a totally different life • unknown.

Sato Ran
Sato Ran
byeoljali ≈ when the night comes i break into stars
UNE P'TITE PHOTO ? : watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔ Fe1ab9d06000550a938bcb791f0cc43d
AVATAR : nishi hiroto (ini)
POINTS : 331
NOUS A REJOINT LE : 26/05/2024
AGE : 26
watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔ Empty
(#) Sujet: Re: watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔   watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔ EmptyMer 1 Jan - 0:40
@torash a commencé à vous suivre.
Moon Kiro
Moon Kiro
STAFF ✺ l'as de trèfle qui pique ton coeur
UNE P'TITE PHOTO ? : watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔ 3c5d6713c793210965954dcece21255a142cb5a7
AVATAR : yang jungwon, enhypen.
POINTS : 397
NOUS A REJOINT LE : 22/05/2022
AGE : 20
watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔ Empty
(#) Sujet: Re: watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔   watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔ EmptyMer 1 Jan - 12:57
@ki.road a commencé à vous suivre.

--- and chasing
all the lights that shine,,
Hae Enaë
Hae Enaë
heulim ≈ we have art in order not to die from the truth
UNE P'TITE PHOTO ? : watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔ 5168f6957b39902855f29caf68f4252fbb093f1e
AVATAR : Park Jongseong ( Jay Park // Enhypen)
POINTS : 684
NOUS A REJOINT LE : 19/05/2023
AGE : 24
watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔ Empty
(#) Sujet: Re: watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔   watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔ EmptySam 4 Jan - 0:48
Lil_Bby a commencé à vous suivre.

Hae Enaë ☽ A pillow left alone and my broken heart, I don't know what to do. When I lost you ... Only full of emptiness. Yeah, I feel the cold air. The temperature has lost its warmth. Hiding in the heavy rain, I stand there without an umbrella. At the end of my tumultuous day, you flow endlessly in my heart like rain. Every day without you, is dark ...

Lee Hyunki
Lee Hyunki
byeoljali ≈ when the night comes i break into stars
UNE P'TITE PHOTO ? : watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔ 236bf60046485ef3e079f24b4f14eee4eba38028
AVATAR : Jung Wooyoung ( Ateez)
POINTS : 303
NOUS A REJOINT LE : 05/06/2024
watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔ Empty
(#) Sujet: Re: watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔   watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔ EmptySam 4 Jan - 0:51
Doc'bunny a commencé à vous suivre.

Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ

Watanabe Nao
Watanabe Nao
MODO ✺ queen of drama
UNE P'TITE PHOTO ? : watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔ 944f6e4ce7aea9e7caa5f0f93463e09c1e7643f3
AVATAR : nishimura riki (niki - enhypen)
POINTS : 562
NOUS A REJOINT LE : 16/08/2023
AGE : 20
watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔ Empty
(#) Sujet: Re: watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔   watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔ EmptyDim 5 Jan - 16:53
bubblegum.nao ✓ • following

05 janv. 2025

inhale sky; exhale stars
you're always one decision away from a totally different life • unknown.

Moon Kiro
Moon Kiro
STAFF ✺ l'as de trèfle qui pique ton coeur
UNE P'TITE PHOTO ? : watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔ 3c5d6713c793210965954dcece21255a142cb5a7
AVATAR : yang jungwon, enhypen.
POINTS : 397
NOUS A REJOINT LE : 22/05/2022
AGE : 20
watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔ Empty
(#) Sujet: Re: watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔   watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔ EmptyDim 5 Jan - 18:40
@ki.road a aimé votre publication.

--- and chasing
all the lights that shine,,
Hae Enaë
Hae Enaë
heulim ≈ we have art in order not to die from the truth
UNE P'TITE PHOTO ? : watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔ 5168f6957b39902855f29caf68f4252fbb093f1e
AVATAR : Park Jongseong ( Jay Park // Enhypen)
POINTS : 684
NOUS A REJOINT LE : 19/05/2023
AGE : 24
watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔ Empty
(#) Sujet: Re: watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔   watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔ EmptyDim 5 Jan - 21:33
Lil_Bby a aimé votre publication.

Hae Enaë ☽ A pillow left alone and my broken heart, I don't know what to do. When I lost you ... Only full of emptiness. Yeah, I feel the cold air. The temperature has lost its warmth. Hiding in the heavy rain, I stand there without an umbrella. At the end of my tumultuous day, you flow endlessly in my heart like rain. Every day without you, is dark ...

Lee Hyunki
Lee Hyunki
byeoljali ≈ when the night comes i break into stars
UNE P'TITE PHOTO ? : watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔ 236bf60046485ef3e079f24b4f14eee4eba38028
AVATAR : Jung Wooyoung ( Ateez)
POINTS : 303
NOUS A REJOINT LE : 05/06/2024
watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔ Empty
(#) Sujet: Re: watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔   watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔ EmptyDim 5 Jan - 21:35
Doc'bunny a aimé votre publication.

Doc'bunny a commenté votre publication : Soooo stunning  :cry:  watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔ 119676237

Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ

Ryu Minwoo
Ryu Minwoo
hwaryeo ≈ just trust myself
UNE P'TITE PHOTO ? : watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔ 300f5eec6ff12e8b0b7776bfc9625f504e97bebe
AVATAR : Byeon Wooseok
NOUS A REJOINT LE : 29/07/2024
AGE : 31
watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔ Empty
(#) Sujet: Re: watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔   watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔ EmptyLun 6 Jan - 21:54
Ryumin_Wolf a commencé à vous suivre.

Ryu Minwoo ☽ Don't go tonight. Stay here one more time. Remind me what it's like, and let's fall in love one more time. It tears me up when you turn me down. Please, just stick around. I'm so weak and I can't breathe without you. Don't tell me that your love is gone because I need you now by my side ...

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watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔ Empty
(#) Sujet: Re: watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔   watanabe nao @bubblegum.nao ✔ Empty
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