⊱ hundred miles c'est un forum réel asiatiquecity/universitaire basé à Séoul — une réponse par mois minimum — Avatars occidentaux bienvenus ! — Taille des avatars 200*320px — Une semaine pour finir sa présentation — Pas de prise de tête, rien que du love. That's all folks ٩(^ᴗ^)۶
En fait ? C'est ton miroir que tu devrais pécho Au moins, il ne te décevra jamais, lui
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
Yoon Sohee
heulim ≈ we have art in order not to die from the truth
Oh ... Et bien ? J'espère que vous vous entendrez bien pour le boulot, avec Beom ? Il ne m'en a pas parlé, mais ? S'il t'a proposé un truc, c'est sûrement parce qu'il a confiance en toi, et en tes capacités ?
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
Yoon Sohee
heulim ≈ we have art in order not to die from the truth
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
Yoon Sohee
heulim ≈ we have art in order not to die from the truth
Il te fait la gueule, mais ça n’empêche pas que tu es aussi, son amie ? Donc ça ne durera pas, tkt
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
Yoon Sohee
heulim ≈ we have art in order not to die from the truth
J’espère avoir les photos en ultra 4KHD quand elles sortiront.
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
Écoute ? À toi, il te répète que tu as fais des conneries avec moi, et à moi, il me répète que je devrais lâcher l’affaire avec toi ? Il fait juste son job, j’imagine ?
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
Yoon Sohee
heulim ≈ we have art in order not to die from the truth
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
Par contre ….. Oui ???????? Mon dieu. Je n’y avais pas pensé ???? J’espère pour lui que Hara n’est pas du genre jalouse ? Sinon … Il va pouvoir sortir ses plus belles rames Je pense que je vais plutôt partir sur 2100 comme année de couple officiel pour eux, au lieu de 2035
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
Yoon Sohee
heulim ≈ we have art in order not to die from the truth
Même si ça ne l’est pas ? Osef ? Les photos seront quand même magnifiques parce que ? Tu es déçu
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
moi je pense qu'il est déjà dans l'eau et qu'il fait du sur-place tu sais quoi ? je partirai plutôt sur l'an JAMAIS, mais bon, il a le droit à nos encouragements puisqu'il a réussi ??? à lui donner un baiser ???