⊱ hundred miles c'est un forum réel asiatiquecity/universitaire basé à Séoul — une réponse par mois minimum — Avatars occidentaux bienvenus ! — Taille des avatars 200*320px — Une semaine pour finir sa présentation — Pas de prise de tête, rien que du love. That's all folks ٩(^ᴗ^)۶
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
Yoon Sohee
heulim ≈ we have art in order not to die from the truth
Ça tombe, je n’en ai vraiment plus rien à faire de toi ?
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
Yoon Sohee
heulim ≈ we have art in order not to die from the truth
Si ça ne tenait qu’à moi, je t’aurai laissé dans mon champ de vision.
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
Certes. Mais ? Il a sûrement eu raison de le faire ?
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
Yoon Sohee
heulim ≈ we have art in order not to die from the truth
Bah ? J’imagine que le fait qu’on se voit de temps en temps, alors qu’on a rompu, ça ne le fait pas trop triper ?
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
Il se pourrait que ce soit un peu le sien à partir du moment où il est mon bff et ? Que je lui dis tout ….
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
Yoon Sohee
heulim ≈ we have art in order not to die from the truth
Je pense qu’il ne fait pas ça, méchamment ? C’est juste qu’il n’aime pas nous voir mal, dans notre coin ?
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
Yoon Sohee
heulim ≈ we have art in order not to die from the truth
Tu sais que ? C’est hyper perturbant pour moi, de savoir que tu as du mal - comme moi, à passer à autre chose, alors que … C’est toi qui as décidé de me lâcher ?
Yoon Sohee ☽ I remember thinking I don't need you. But then time passed by, and it's so untrue. Now I'm the rain over your parade. I always keep making the same mistakes. I could make you hate me for everything, but I can't make you come back to me . Maybe I never deserved you anyways ... ღ
t'es sérieux ? je crois pas me souvenir qu'il y avait une troisième personne dans notre couple ????? ou que beom est là quand tu m'invites dans ton lit ?????