⊱ hundred miles c'est un forum réel asiatiquecity/universitaire basé à Séoul — une réponse par mois minimum — Avatars occidentaux bienvenus ! — Taille des avatars 200*320px — Une semaine pour finir sa présentation — Pas de prise de tête, rien que du love. That's all folks ٩(^ᴗ^)۶
En réalité ? Tu ne me déranges pas ? C’est tout le contraire …
Ryu Minwoo ☽ Don't go tonight. Stay here one more time. Remind me what it's like, and let's fall in love one more time. It tears me up when you turn me down. Please, just stick around. I'm so weak and I can't breathe without you. Don't tell me that your love is gone because I need you now by my side ... ღ
Depuis qu’on s’est vu, je me demandais si on finirait par se croiser à nouveau ? Alors … Merci d’avoir envoyé un message ? Même si le but premier, était de me rendre ma veste …
Ryu Minwoo ☽ Don't go tonight. Stay here one more time. Remind me what it's like, and let's fall in love one more time. It tears me up when you turn me down. Please, just stick around. I'm so weak and I can't breathe without you. Don't tell me that your love is gone because I need you now by my side ... ღ
Si te voir à tes concertos me suffisait, tu ne m’aurais pas autant manqué, durant toutes ces années … Mais ? Je respecte le fait que notre rencontre n’ait été qu’une exception …
Ryu Minwoo ☽ Don't go tonight. Stay here one more time. Remind me what it's like, and let's fall in love one more time. It tears me up when you turn me down. Please, just stick around. I'm so weak and I can't breathe without you. Don't tell me that your love is gone because I need you now by my side ... ღ
Ryu Minwoo ☽ Don't go tonight. Stay here one more time. Remind me what it's like, and let's fall in love one more time. It tears me up when you turn me down. Please, just stick around. I'm so weak and I can't breathe without you. Don't tell me that your love is gone because I need you now by my side ... ღ
Si ce n'est pas ce que je crois ? C'est quoi alors ?
Ryu Minwoo ☽ Don't go tonight. Stay here one more time. Remind me what it's like, and let's fall in love one more time. It tears me up when you turn me down. Please, just stick around. I'm so weak and I can't breathe without you. Don't tell me that your love is gone because I need you now by my side ... ღ
C'est que... Je n'ai pas autant de liberté que tu pourrais le croire... Je ne sors jamais, sauf pour aller là où on me dit d'aller... Alors? Le fait que je sois au parc d'attractions, le jour de ton anniversaire... Ça n'aurait jamais pu arriver si je n'avais pas... Si je n'étais pas sortie en douce...
inhale sky; exhale stars
you're always one decision away from a totally different life • unknown.
Donc ... Ce n'est pas que ? Tu ne veux plus me voir .... ?? C'est juste qu'on ? T'en empêche, si je comprends bien ?
Ryu Minwoo ☽ Don't go tonight. Stay here one more time. Remind me what it's like, and let's fall in love one more time. It tears me up when you turn me down. Please, just stick around. I'm so weak and I can't breathe without you. Don't tell me that your love is gone because I need you now by my side ... ღ
Kiha ? Je te promets qu’on parlera de ça. Mais pour le moment ???? Je me sens tellement soulagé ???????
Ryu Minwoo ☽ Don't go tonight. Stay here one more time. Remind me what it's like, and let's fall in love one more time. It tears me up when you turn me down. Please, just stick around. I'm so weak and I can't breathe without you. Don't tell me that your love is gone because I need you now by my side ... ღ
Enfin ? Attends. Donc … En réalité ??? Tu veux bien qu’on se revoit ???
Ryu Minwoo ☽ Don't go tonight. Stay here one more time. Remind me what it's like, and let's fall in love one more time. It tears me up when you turn me down. Please, just stick around. I'm so weak and I can't breathe without you. Don't tell me that your love is gone because I need you now by my side ... ღ
Ryu Minwoo ☽ Don't go tonight. Stay here one more time. Remind me what it's like, and let's fall in love one more time. It tears me up when you turn me down. Please, just stick around. I'm so weak and I can't breathe without you. Don't tell me that your love is gone because I need you now by my side ... ღ
Ryu Minwoo ☽ Don't go tonight. Stay here one more time. Remind me what it's like, and let's fall in love one more time. It tears me up when you turn me down. Please, just stick around. I'm so weak and I can't breathe without you. Don't tell me that your love is gone because I need you now by my side ... ღ
J’ai eu si peur que ? Notre rencontre ne soit qu’un rêve ….
Ryu Minwoo ☽ Don't go tonight. Stay here one more time. Remind me what it's like, and let's fall in love one more time. It tears me up when you turn me down. Please, just stick around. I'm so weak and I can't breathe without you. Don't tell me that your love is gone because I need you now by my side ... ღ