⊱ hundred miles c'est un forum réel asiatiquecity/universitaire basé à Séoul — une réponse par mois minimum — Avatars occidentaux bienvenus ! — Taille des avatars 200*320px — Une semaine pour finir sa présentation — Pas de prise de tête, rien que du love. That's all folks ٩(^ᴗ^)۶
Je pense que ? Tu dois essayer de l’amener à t’en parler ? Mais sans le forcer ? Mood : il t’en parle parce que tu es sa safe place, et qu’il sait qu’il ne risque rien en t’en parlant ? Je pense qu’il n’y a que comme si que tu arriveras à rassembler les pièces du puzzle …
Hae Enaë ☽ A pillow left alone and my broken heart, I don't know what to do. When I lost you ... Only full of emptiness. Yeah, I feel the cold air. The temperature has lost its warmth. Hiding in the heavy rain, I stand there without an umbrella. At the end of my tumultuous day, you flow endlessly in my heart like rain. Every day without you, is dark ...
Hae Enaë
heulim ≈ we have art in order not to die from the truth
C’est le mieux à faire, sinon j’ai peur qu’il se braque et qu’il ne te dise jamais rien ><
Hae Enaë ☽ A pillow left alone and my broken heart, I don't know what to do. When I lost you ... Only full of emptiness. Yeah, I feel the cold air. The temperature has lost its warmth. Hiding in the heavy rain, I stand there without an umbrella. At the end of my tumultuous day, you flow endlessly in my heart like rain. Every day without you, is dark ...
Hae Enaë
heulim ≈ we have art in order not to die from the truth
Regarde avec Nao ? C’est quand il ne me demande rien que je suis plus enclin à m’ouvrir un peu à lui ? Ça se fait … Naturellement ? Sans que je ne me sente … Forcé ?
Hae Enaë ☽ A pillow left alone and my broken heart, I don't know what to do. When I lost you ... Only full of emptiness. Yeah, I feel the cold air. The temperature has lost its warmth. Hiding in the heavy rain, I stand there without an umbrella. At the end of my tumultuous day, you flow endlessly in my heart like rain. Every day without you, is dark ...
Oui, je comprends et je vais essayer de le pousser gentiment à m'en parler Mais j'ai peur qu'il ne soit pas assez à l'aise avec moi? Qu'il craigne que je vais l'abandonner au moindre truc? Alors que? Je serais bien incapable de faire une telle chose ><
inhale sky; exhale stars
you're always one decision away from a totally different life • unknown.
Hae Enaë
heulim ≈ we have art in order not to die from the truth
Je le sais ? Et peut-être que lui aussi, il le sais dans le fond ? Je suis sûr qu'il finira par se confier à toi
Hae Enaë ☽ A pillow left alone and my broken heart, I don't know what to do. When I lost you ... Only full of emptiness. Yeah, I feel the cold air. The temperature has lost its warmth. Hiding in the heavy rain, I stand there without an umbrella. At the end of my tumultuous day, you flow endlessly in my heart like rain. Every day without you, is dark ...
Tu sais ? S’il se sent insecure, au point de toujours imaginer que tu puisses le quitter, malgré le soin que tu prends de lui … C’est que le problème vient de lui ? Pas forcément de toi …
Hae Enaë ☽ A pillow left alone and my broken heart, I don't know what to do. When I lost you ... Only full of emptiness. Yeah, I feel the cold air. The temperature has lost its warmth. Hiding in the heavy rain, I stand there without an umbrella. At the end of my tumultuous day, you flow endlessly in my heart like rain. Every day without you, is dark ...
Il y a 1000 et un façon de protéger ton bb bf ? Tu as juste à trouver la bonne
Hae Enaë ☽ A pillow left alone and my broken heart, I don't know what to do. When I lost you ... Only full of emptiness. Yeah, I feel the cold air. The temperature has lost its warmth. Hiding in the heavy rain, I stand there without an umbrella. At the end of my tumultuous day, you flow endlessly in my heart like rain. Every day without you, is dark ...
Hae Enaë ☽ A pillow left alone and my broken heart, I don't know what to do. When I lost you ... Only full of emptiness. Yeah, I feel the cold air. The temperature has lost its warmth. Hiding in the heavy rain, I stand there without an umbrella. At the end of my tumultuous day, you flow endlessly in my heart like rain. Every day without you, is dark ...
Hae Enaë
heulim ≈ we have art in order not to die from the truth
Allez, je vais rejoindre mon baby. Il m’attend Love you, Dae
Hae Enaë ☽ A pillow left alone and my broken heart, I don't know what to do. When I lost you ... Only full of emptiness. Yeah, I feel the cold air. The temperature has lost its warmth. Hiding in the heavy rain, I stand there without an umbrella. At the end of my tumultuous day, you flow endlessly in my heart like rain. Every day without you, is dark ...