⊱ hundred miles c'est un forum réel asiatiquecity/universitaire basé à Séoul — une réponse par mois minimum — Avatars occidentaux bienvenus ! — Taille des avatars 200*320px — Une semaine pour finir sa présentation — Pas de prise de tête, rien que du love. That's all folks ٩(^ᴗ^)۶
Pour le coup ? C’est toi qui le connais le mieux ><
Hae Enaë ☽ A pillow left alone and my broken heart, I don't know what to do. When I lost you ... Only full of emptiness. Yeah, I feel the cold air. The temperature has lost its warmth. Hiding in the heavy rain, I stand there without an umbrella. At the end of my tumultuous day, you flow endlessly in my heart like rain. Every day without you, is dark ...
Hae Enaë
heulim ≈ we have art in order not to die from the truth
Dae … Si tu bouscule les choses ? Ne le fais pas trop fort, d’accord ?
Hae Enaë ☽ A pillow left alone and my broken heart, I don't know what to do. When I lost you ... Only full of emptiness. Yeah, I feel the cold air. The temperature has lost its warmth. Hiding in the heavy rain, I stand there without an umbrella. At the end of my tumultuous day, you flow endlessly in my heart like rain. Every day without you, is dark ...
Hyunki a sûrement ses secrets, mais ? Il a l’air doux ? Et bienveillant ? Je suis convaincu que s’il te tient à l’écart ? C’est pour une bonne raison ?
Hae Enaë ☽ A pillow left alone and my broken heart, I don't know what to do. When I lost you ... Only full of emptiness. Yeah, I feel the cold air. The temperature has lost its warmth. Hiding in the heavy rain, I stand there without an umbrella. At the end of my tumultuous day, you flow endlessly in my heart like rain. Every day without you, is dark ...
Tu crois franchement qu’à l’époque, Yunseo savait à chaque fois que je me ramassais une gifle par mes parents ? Il s’en doutait, mais ? Je n’ai jamais voulu lui avouer …
Hae Enaë ☽ A pillow left alone and my broken heart, I don't know what to do. When I lost you ... Only full of emptiness. Yeah, I feel the cold air. The temperature has lost its warmth. Hiding in the heavy rain, I stand there without an umbrella. At the end of my tumultuous day, you flow endlessly in my heart like rain. Every day without you, is dark ...
Hae Enaë ☽ A pillow left alone and my broken heart, I don't know what to do. When I lost you ... Only full of emptiness. Yeah, I feel the cold air. The temperature has lost its warmth. Hiding in the heavy rain, I stand there without an umbrella. At the end of my tumultuous day, you flow endlessly in my heart like rain. Every day without you, is dark ...
Hae Enaë
heulim ≈ we have art in order not to die from the truth
Et puis ? Je n’avais pas envie qu’il s’inquiète tout le temps pour moi ?
Hae Enaë ☽ A pillow left alone and my broken heart, I don't know what to do. When I lost you ... Only full of emptiness. Yeah, I feel the cold air. The temperature has lost its warmth. Hiding in the heavy rain, I stand there without an umbrella. At the end of my tumultuous day, you flow endlessly in my heart like rain. Every day without you, is dark ...
Je sais ??? Et ? Je ne saurais même pas te dire pourquoi ? Enfin ? Sûrement parce que ce n’est pas agréable de se sentir aussi vulnérable ?
Hae Enaë ☽ A pillow left alone and my broken heart, I don't know what to do. When I lost you ... Only full of emptiness. Yeah, I feel the cold air. The temperature has lost its warmth. Hiding in the heavy rain, I stand there without an umbrella. At the end of my tumultuous day, you flow endlessly in my heart like rain. Every day without you, is dark ...
Hae Enaë
heulim ≈ we have art in order not to die from the truth
Hae Enaë ☽ A pillow left alone and my broken heart, I don't know what to do. When I lost you ... Only full of emptiness. Yeah, I feel the cold air. The temperature has lost its warmth. Hiding in the heavy rain, I stand there without an umbrella. At the end of my tumultuous day, you flow endlessly in my heart like rain. Every day without you, is dark ...
Hae Enaë
heulim ≈ we have art in order not to die from the truth
J’aurai du me taire >< Ce n’était pas à moi, de te le dire pour Hyunki ><
Hae Enaë ☽ A pillow left alone and my broken heart, I don't know what to do. When I lost you ... Only full of emptiness. Yeah, I feel the cold air. The temperature has lost its warmth. Hiding in the heavy rain, I stand there without an umbrella. At the end of my tumultuous day, you flow endlessly in my heart like rain. Every day without you, is dark ...
Ne t'en veux pas? Merci de me l'avoir dit? De toute façon? Je ne vais pas bousculer Hyunki? Je vais faire comme tu as dis, je vais le chouchouter et surtout, l'observer, avant de m'enfoncer dans le sujet
inhale sky; exhale stars
you're always one decision away from a totally different life • unknown.